lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019

UNIT 4 - Buying a present - interaction

TASK 1: Mediation
Describe the ad you found: type of product and price

TASK 2: Interaction
Choose a present together and decide when to give it to him.

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2019

Unit 4 - monologues - housing and shopping

Living in a house or a flat
Describe good things and bad things about your current home

Doing the housework on one day or on different days
How you divide housework in your home

Buying online or in a shop
The last expensive thing you bought

Buying at the supermarket or in small shops
Speak about how you do the shopping

Paying in cash or by card
Speak about your shopping habits

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2019

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

UNIT 4 - Renting a home - interaction

Mediation: Describe your ad
A- I’m very happy because I’ve found the perfect place for us...

B- let me tell you about my...
I found a … It is in… It has… The rent is…

Interaction: Chose a home and decide when to visit it

My “option” is… yours…
We should…

Why don’t we…?
How about…?
Shall we…?

Are you free on...?
Can you meet on...?

Ok I’ll…/ We can meet at… See you then

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019

Home and housework - mind map

Around the city

Vocabulary game: HANGMAN


Present perfect

have + past participle
I haven't received your email
Have you called your sister?
Been to & gone to
I have been to the supermarket
            > you have returned from the supermarket
I have gone to the supermarket
            > you are at the supermarket
Recent actions
I have just had lunch (+)
We haven't finished yet (?/-)
I've already finished (+)
Unfinished time, unfinished actions and life experiences
I haven't had coffee today/this morning (it’s still morning)
I have lived here for 3 years/since 2016/since yesterday/since last month/since I was 6
I have been to London 3 times
Past simple (past time reference)
I didn't have lunch yesterday
I didn't have breakfast this morning (it’s now the afternoon)
I went to London 3 years ago/last month
For & Since
since + point in time (when it started)
for + period (how much time)

 Exercises to practise:

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019

Flat or house

Smaller rooms
Easy to clean
Near shops, schools, social life
Shared expenses
Not good for pets
No garden work

Loud neighbours
Big rooms
More housework
Far from city
More expensive
High expenses
Garden for children, pets, vegetables, swimming pool, barbecue
No neighbours

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019

UNIT 3 - Sample monologues

Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?
Benefits of the car
The last time you went on holiday

Do you prefer to go on holiday to the beach or a city?
Describe some problems you can have when you travel
Your plans for your next holiday

Do you prefer to use public transport or your own car?
Dangers of cars
The last time you went on holiday

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

Your plans for the future


I would like to / I would love to stay in London
I hope to go to university
I want to find my place
I'm planning on moving

Try some activities

Answers written in white select below to see them:
2 ago, 3 but, 4 in, 5 the, 6 really
Ex. 2
solicitor, doctor, research assistant, actor, journalist, photographer, graphic designer, architect, interior designer, vet
2 doctor, 3 research assistant, 4 actor, 5 interior designer, 6 vet
1 c, 2 e, 3 d, 4 a, 5 b
Ex 5.
2 would like to, 3 plan to, 4 hope, 5 might, 6 want

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019


Do some exercises about transport in London: exercises

Find the answers below (they are written in white). Select below to see them:

1 b
2 Right
3 d
4 Wrong. You can't use it on taxis
5 c
6 Wrong. People under 5 don't pay.

3 c, e, f, d, b, a 
1 the taxidriver
2 ok
3 don't need to buy a ticket before / you can pay the driver
4 ok
5 there are 12 lines
6 ok
7 ok
8 1 pound
9 on the right
10 are curved
11 ok

Do a quiz about this video here

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019

Haloween stories - past simple and past continuous

A shop
There was no one
Running after her
Chasing her
The sound of your feet
Tried to not be seen
A store
The opposite of full


domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019

UNIT ONE - Sample monologues

Types of jobs
• Working as a farmer or in an office
• Your ideal job (adjectives and conditions)

Types of families
• Do you think it is better to have a lot of siblings or be an only child?
• Describe your family

Types of jobs
• Working as a teacher or a taxi driver
• A job you wouldn’t like (adjectives and conditions)

Types of jobs
• Working as a waiter or a shop assistant
• A friend’s job (adjectives and conditions)

1. I have to speak about different kinds of … in this case about … -ing …
2. If I had to choose one option, I would choose to…
  - I prefer… because…
  - I don’t like either option because…
  - I like both options because…
3. Finally, about a/my...

How to describe people


Watch a video of a person speaking about her best friend and try to answer these questions:

1 What’s Laila’s friend’s name?
2 When and where did they meet?
3 What was Michelle’s opinion of Laila?
4 In what ways is Michelle different from Laila?
5 In what ways are they similar?
6 How often do they see each other now?
7 When did they last see each other?
8 What did they do on that day?

 Answers written in white. Select these lines to see them: 1 Michelle 2 Five years ago at Cardiff University 3 She was funny 4 Michelle is very athletic, she swam for her county, she loves red wine, she’s flaky (=a bit irresponsible) so she may not turn up if you have decided to meet 5 They are outgoing, sociable, they like a good party, they speak their mind (=they are frank) so they have their ups and downs although they never fall out (=argue) 6 Once every six months 7 On Laila’s birthday 8 They wanted to go to a Banksy exhibition, but they changed their mind because it was all sold out and went to a mug painting place, where they both made a mug

Conversation questions about friends
Conversation questions about first impressions

Talking about families

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

Modules 5-8 - Speaking practice

Do you prefer to live in a house or in a flat?
Benefits of living in the countryside
Describe the place where you live

Do you prefer paper books or electronic books?
Benefits of reading
Tell us about a book you liked

Do you prefer to read a book or watch a film?
The best things about going to the cinema
The last time you went to the cinema

Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?
Benefits of the car
The last time you went on holiday

Do you prefer to go on holidya to the beach or a city?
Describe some problems you can have when you travel
The last time you went on holiday

Do you prefer a desktop computer or a laptop?
Benefits of the internet
A gadget you can't live without

Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home?
Benefits of traditional food
The last time you ate out

Do you prefer to go to class or study online?
Benefits of private lessons
Your experience learning English

Do you think it is better to study at a private school or a state school?
Benefits of extracurricular activities
Speak about your education

Do you prefer swimming or running?
Benefits of doing exercise
Describe the physical activity you do

Do you prefer to do a sport or go to the cinema?
Benefits of doing sport
Explain how you keep healthy

Do you prefer to buy online or in a real shop?
Benefits of shopping centres
The last time you bought something

Do you prefer to do the shopping weekly or monthly?
Benefits of buying local products
The next time you will do the shopping

Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
Benefits of working from home
Describe your ideal job

Do you prefer to work in a office or outdoors?
Benefits of flexible timetables
Describe a job you wouldn't like to have

Do you prefer to watch the news on TV or read them online?
Newspapers in the future
The last time you read a newspaper

Do you think it is better to have a lot of siblings or be an only child?
Speak about taking care of old people
Describe your family

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019


A global world
Have you ever been to a foreign country? What surprised you most?
What do foreigners find surprising about Spain?
Why do people go to live in other countries?
What difficulties can people find living abroad?
What influences from other countries have you noticed in Spain in recent years?
Where is your town and what’s special about it?
Where do people usually live and work?
What do people do in their free time?
How multicultural is your city?
How has technology changed in your life since you were young?
Which inventions have changed ordinary people’s lives in the last fi fty years?
What gadgets do you use for work or study?
What appliances are useful at home?
What do you think of mobile phones?
What is better a tablet or a computer?
The future
What will homes be like in the future?
How will we communicate?
How will we travel?
Where will we work?
What will we do in our free time?
How long will we live?
How will we study?
How can you be green at home, using transport, doing the shopping?
What are the benefits of doing sport?
What are the disadvantages of team sports?
Describe the sport facilities of Lugo
Compare two sports
What sports do children usually do? And old people?
Have you ever gone skiing?
What sports are popular in Galicia?
Which has been your best/worst holiday?
Where would you like to travel to?
What kind of accommodation do you prefer?
What kind of accommodation do you dislike?
What do you do when you go on holiday?
Describe Galician diet. Is it healthy/unhealthy?
What do you need to have a healthy diet?
Do you pay attention to the fat, salt and sugar content of what you eat?
How much of your diet consists of prepackaged, processed foods?
Were there any foods you particularly loved or hated as a child? Why are fast food and ready-made food (or processed food or convenience food) so popular these days?
Where do people usually have lunch in Galicia?
What kind of school did you attend?
What did you like most?
What were some of the rules in your school?
Who was your best/worst teacher at school?
How have schools changed?
How will the change in the future?
What do you have to do be healthy?
When was the last time you had a cold?
What can you do to reduce stress?
Which sports are good for your health?
What unhealthy habits do you have?
What do you think of alternative therapies?
How many homes have you had?
Describe your current home and the area
What would you like to change in it?
Have you ever had any problems?
Compare living in a flat and living a house
What kind of books do you read?
What is your favourite book? What’s it about?
Do you think people read more or less nowadays? Why?
What do you think of ebooks?
Do you like films based on books?
What books did you use to read when you were a child?

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Email requesting information

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to enquire about the online courses that you offer. In particular, I am interested in the B1 English course and I would be grateful if you could provide some further information.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me how much the course costs and when it will start and finish. I would also like to know about the kind of activities it includes and if there will be an exam at the end. Could you send me a detailed programme with the contents of the course?

Finally, I would like to know if you will provide a certificate indicating the number of hours.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours faithfully,

Mary Smith

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

Public vs state education

Careful! In the UK public schools are PRIVATE SCHOOLS!

Watch a debate about this topic (also in the US)

Do you agree with all these people?

A public school in China

Watch the video and decide if the following statements are true or false:

Wellington College

  1. Wellington college has been working for years
  2. Most pupils are foreigners
  3. Parents must pay more than 15,000 euros a year
  4. The Chinese state system is strict
  5. Some Chinese students have been allowed to enroll in the sixth form
  6. Britain is a desired destination for Chinese university students
  7. Student visas in Britain have always been hard to get
  8. Chinese life has been based on hard work and little leisure time
 Answers written in white. Select this line to see them: 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5T, 6T, 7F, 8T

Education systems

Education in the UK


What's a public school in the UK?

Education in the US
Compare the two systems

martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

Expressing preference

I prefer books TO films
I prefer reading TO watching TV

SPECIFIC PREFERENCE (if I had to choose...)
I would prefer to go to London RATHER THAN stay in Spain
Next Saturday I'd prefer to eat at a restaurant RATHER THAN at home

I don't like any of them
I like neither watching football nor playing it
I like neither of them
I dislike both reading and watching TV

Do you prefer computers or mobile phones?
What are the benefits of technology? And the dangers?
What technology do you use?

Do you prefer swimming or running?
What are the benefits of doing sport?
Speak about the last time you did some physical activity

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2019

Modern family

Watch the video and answer the questions:

How has the role of children in the family changed?
Children in the past didn’t use to be the centre of family life
When did this change take place?
by the end of the 20th C
How old is their older child?
their older child is 13
What do Lucy and Michael feel?
They feel their children dominate their home
How has parents’ attitude changed recently?
Current parents are childcentric. It’s in the media, books, parenting classes; everyone is talking about their children
What would Lucy’s mother say in some cases?
her mother would say they are dominated in a way they shouldn’t be. Children rule the house

Answers written in white. Select the text above to see them.

lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

Revision module 6

If I had more time…
If I lived in a house…
If the new auditorium opened this summer…
If the weather in summer is bad…
I would stop working if…
I will stay at home if…
At the weekend I will… if…
I would take a plane if
I wouldn’t move to a new town unless…
If people did more exercise…

A TV or a computer
Eating at home or out next Sunday
Live in a house or a flat
Go on holiday in the summer or winter

Your opinion
Do you think e-books will end with printed books?
Do you think alternative therapies are useful?
Do you think homes have changed in the last few years?
Do you think people read less nowadays?

martes, 15 de enero de 2019

Elements of a monologue

Here you have a short example of a presentation of advantages and disadvantages of the different types of food you can find in your city.