domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019

UNIT ONE - Sample monologues

Types of jobs
• Working as a farmer or in an office
• Your ideal job (adjectives and conditions)

Types of families
• Do you think it is better to have a lot of siblings or be an only child?
• Describe your family

Types of jobs
• Working as a teacher or a taxi driver
• A job you wouldn’t like (adjectives and conditions)

Types of jobs
• Working as a waiter or a shop assistant
• A friend’s job (adjectives and conditions)

1. I have to speak about different kinds of … in this case about … -ing …
2. If I had to choose one option, I would choose to…
  - I prefer… because…
  - I don’t like either option because…
  - I like both options because…
3. Finally, about a/my...

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