jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

Modules 5-8 - Speaking practice

Do you prefer to live in a house or in a flat?
Benefits of living in the countryside
Describe the place where you live

Do you prefer paper books or electronic books?
Benefits of reading
Tell us about a book you liked

Do you prefer to read a book or watch a film?
The best things about going to the cinema
The last time you went to the cinema

Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?
Benefits of the car
The last time you went on holiday

Do you prefer to go on holidya to the beach or a city?
Describe some problems you can have when you travel
The last time you went on holiday

Do you prefer a desktop computer or a laptop?
Benefits of the internet
A gadget you can't live without

Do you prefer to eat out or eat at home?
Benefits of traditional food
The last time you ate out

Do you prefer to go to class or study online?
Benefits of private lessons
Your experience learning English

Do you think it is better to study at a private school or a state school?
Benefits of extracurricular activities
Speak about your education

Do you prefer swimming or running?
Benefits of doing exercise
Describe the physical activity you do

Do you prefer to do a sport or go to the cinema?
Benefits of doing sport
Explain how you keep healthy

Do you prefer to buy online or in a real shop?
Benefits of shopping centres
The last time you bought something

Do you prefer to do the shopping weekly or monthly?
Benefits of buying local products
The next time you will do the shopping

Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
Benefits of working from home
Describe your ideal job

Do you prefer to work in a office or outdoors?
Benefits of flexible timetables
Describe a job you wouldn't like to have

Do you prefer to watch the news on TV or read them online?
Newspapers in the future
The last time you read a newspaper

Do you think it is better to have a lot of siblings or be an only child?
Speak about taking care of old people
Describe your family

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