domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019

UNIT ONE - Sample monologues

Types of jobs
• Working as a farmer or in an office
• Your ideal job (adjectives and conditions)

Types of families
• Do you think it is better to have a lot of siblings or be an only child?
• Describe your family

Types of jobs
• Working as a teacher or a taxi driver
• A job you wouldn’t like (adjectives and conditions)

Types of jobs
• Working as a waiter or a shop assistant
• A friend’s job (adjectives and conditions)

1. I have to speak about different kinds of … in this case about … -ing …
2. If I had to choose one option, I would choose to…
  - I prefer… because…
  - I don’t like either option because…
  - I like both options because…
3. Finally, about a/my...

How to describe people


Watch a video of a person speaking about her best friend and try to answer these questions:

1 What’s Laila’s friend’s name?
2 When and where did they meet?
3 What was Michelle’s opinion of Laila?
4 In what ways is Michelle different from Laila?
5 In what ways are they similar?
6 How often do they see each other now?
7 When did they last see each other?
8 What did they do on that day?

 Answers written in white. Select these lines to see them: 1 Michelle 2 Five years ago at Cardiff University 3 She was funny 4 Michelle is very athletic, she swam for her county, she loves red wine, she’s flaky (=a bit irresponsible) so she may not turn up if you have decided to meet 5 They are outgoing, sociable, they like a good party, they speak their mind (=they are frank) so they have their ups and downs although they never fall out (=argue) 6 Once every six months 7 On Laila’s birthday 8 They wanted to go to a Banksy exhibition, but they changed their mind because it was all sold out and went to a mug painting place, where they both made a mug

Conversation questions about friends
Conversation questions about first impressions

Talking about families