viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Health in Britain

Watch the video about Health in Britain and answer the questions (this is an old video, some of the information may not be true anymore)
  1. What's a GP? A general practitioner or family doctor
  2. How many patients does a GP have? 2000
  3. Who gets free medicine? Students, people over 60 and pregnant women
  4. What do chemists prepare? prescriptions
  5. What's the NHS? The National Health Service
  6. What services used to be free but not anymore? Visits to the dentist, glasses, eye tests, prescriptions
  7. What are the main problems of the NHS? People have to wait to see a specialist or have an operation
  8. What has changed in the British diet? They eat less red meat and more fresh fruit and vegetables
  9. Why has life expectancy increased? Because there are new medicines and people have a better diet
Answers are written in white. Select above to see them

Health - yoga

Watch, learn and try

Heatlh - Remedies

Listen to the second audio and complete the following information
  1. In Saudi Arabia you drink babunej when you have the flu
  2. It is made with camomile, an herb
  3. You get vitamin C from the mixture
  4. You use daikon for a sore throat
  5. Daikon is like a white carrot
  6. You put honey on it
  7. In Brazil people drink water with garlic when they feel unwell
  8. She doesn’t know if it works
Answers written in white. Select the text above to see them.

School rules

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

Food and healthy lifestyle

Cottage pie

Watch the video and take a quiz.
How healthy is your diet? Take a quiz.
Healthy eathing - listening
Read about unhealthy food.
Junk food discussion questions.
Healthy lifestyle discussion questions.


Talking about food

Describing food

How to Make Butter Chicken

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018


First conditional

Do some exercises
Leave a comment if you want a correction.

Second conditional

Other conditionals

Visit Lodon or New York

Do you like travelling?


Planning a trip: lesson (superlatives)

Planning a trip - vocabulary

Travelling speaking questions
Listening: Travelling to New York
Travelling video + exercises



Free time

Choosing a film - conversation practice

More dialogues: dialogue1, dialogue2

What do you do in your free time?

Try these activities
Check the answers below (select to see them):
Ex 1: 2 to 3 time 4 This 5 bar 6 band 7 doing 8 time
Ex 2: ✓go out to a jazz club, play football, run a half-marathon, study different languages, play the guitar,go running, go to a barbecue
Ex 3: 2A 3D 4F 5E 6C
Ex 4: B Robin Hood C relaxing D quiet E his friends’ F Sunday
Ex 5: B2 C1 D1 E2 F2
Ex 6: 1 like to 2 great 3 like coming 4 enjoy/ like 5 love to6 enjoy/ enjoy

How to talk about free time