lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

Revision module 6

If I had more time…
If I lived in a house…
If the new auditorium opened this summer…
If the weather in summer is bad…
I would stop working if…
I will stay at home if…
At the weekend I will… if…
I would take a plane if
I wouldn’t move to a new town unless…
If people did more exercise…

A TV or a computer
Eating at home or out next Sunday
Live in a house or a flat
Go on holiday in the summer or winter

Your opinion
Do you think e-books will end with printed books?
Do you think alternative therapies are useful?
Do you think homes have changed in the last few years?
Do you think people read less nowadays?

martes, 15 de enero de 2019

Elements of a monologue

Here you have a short example of a presentation of advantages and disadvantages of the different types of food you can find in your city.